
Raising A Reader MA talks with Board Vice-Chair Rich Rosensweig

Members of the Raising A Reader MA staff secretly love reading the Proust Questionnaire in the back of Vanity Fair. We richrosensweigdecided to share our own version of this personality test with our outstanding board of directors. Outgoing Board Vice-Chair Rich Rosensweig has been involved with various nonprofits in the Boston area since moving here from Montreal. He is a former Overseer of Children’s Hospital Boston, former member of the Board of Trustees of the Boston Public Library Foundation, and former Business Partner of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He is a Partner in the Goulston & Storrs law firm, where his practice focuses on securities law, business litigation, and attorney malpractice defense. He represents a variety of corporate clients before federal and state courts, arbitration panels, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other securities related organizations.

What is your favorite book? Probably too many to mention. But some of them are: Evelyn Waugh, Vile Bodies; F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby; E.M. Forester, Where Angels Fear to Tread; Graham Greene, The End of the Affair, John K. Toole, A Confederacy of Dunces . . .

Who is your favorite fictional her or heroine?  Stewie Griffin from Family Guy

Who is your favorite real life hero or heroine? Nurses

If you could have dinner with one author – living or dead – who would it be? Why? Marcus Aurelius. He knew everything about life.

If you could choose one place to live for the rest of your life where would it be? I would live in Newton Massachsuetts where I live. But, more importantly, I would travel more.

What is your motto? Epicurean in prosperity; stoic in adversity.

What talent would you most like to have? I choose two: Play guitar like Jimmy Page and tennis like Rafael Nadal.

What is your proudest accomplishment? I am not proud of myself, only my wife and kids. So I pick them.

What do you think is the most overrated virtue? Temperance.