We are incredibly grateful for the donations we have received over the past two months made in memory of Evelyn Quintiliani of Newton, MA.
Evelyn is a lifetime resident of Newton, MA and daughter of two Italian immigrants. She is survived by her daughters Cindy Hodgdon, Doreen Quintiliani and Linda Quintiliani, who requested that people donate to Raising A Reader MA in lieu of sending flowers.
Of her mother, Cindy said, “She was a woman with a great intellect who did not have the opportunity to attend college…My mother was a voracious reader. She enjoyed a variety of genres and educated herself on her topics of interest through books. She instilled a love of reading in her children as well. We were constantly at the local public library! We thought your organization, with the work it does with at-risk children and families, was the perfect way to honor her life.”
Raising A Reader MA received over $1,500 from 20 different donors in memory of Evelyn and her love of reading and learning! Thank you to everyone for the support.