Book Recommendations

Book Pick: Brown Bear

In honor of Banned Books Week, we have chosen another classic: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? This book was banned because the Texas Board of Education confused Bill Martin Jr., the author of Brown Bear, with another Bill Martin who wrote a book on Marxism. Click here for the full story.

This book is great for conversations about colors and animals. For those who have read this many times, you can test your child’s memory by asking him/her to recall which animal comes next as you read! After reading, you can try the following activities to expand your child’s knowledge:

1. CREATE. A former Montessori teacher has created this list of activities to go along with Brown Bear.

2. PLAY. Have you tried playing Simon Says with animal sounds and movements?

3. VISIT. The Franklin Zoo has some special events coming up that would make your children’s visit more special. How about trick-or-treating among the animals?

For additional reading, try some of these other once-banned books.