Bag Rotation

In This Section

Tracking Red Bags

New to Red Bag Rotation?

Get started with our step by step guide. Then view the additional materials and see what works best for your setting.

Bag Rotation Chart

A child level tracker to check bags in and out of the classroom or group each week.


Missing Materials Call Log

A log for tracking lost or damaged materials and follow up with families.

Book List Template

A quick template to inventory the book titles in each bag and help monitor your red bag library.


Classroom Bag Tracking Instructions

Instruction template to support staff or volunteers helping you with bag rotation.


Setting Up Your Space

examples of red bags hanging on hooks in classroom

Red Bags in the Classroom

You can hang returned Red Bags on hooks in the classroom…

Red Bags in the Classroom

… Or put returned red bags in baskets like these.

Red bags in baskets in the classroom
example of Red Bag pocket chart with book names for each child

Pocket Chart

You can use a pocket chart to keep track of which Red Bag books are being sent home with which child. In each child’s pocket, include a card/sticky note with the book title for each Red Bag and rotate the cards/sticky notes of the children as they take home different Red Bags.

Sticker Chart

You can use a sticker chart in the classroom to keep track of who has returned their Red Bags each week.

It also serves as an added incentive for children to return them on time.

Practice Red Bags

You can build up to the Red Bags by using damaged books as part of a practice bag to get families used to the Red Bag program before they receive the actual materials.

One of our partner teachers from the Rollins school designed this trial red bag. This let her know how to best support the families she works with and helped her adjust the quantity of books sent home to minimize material losses.

Classroom Signs

You can decorate a space in your classroom specifically for Red Bags and encourage on time bag returns.

Thanks to Rosie DoCanto and Ayesha Rodriguez at Horizons for Homeless children for this idea!

Doorway Signs

You can put multi-lingual Raising a Reader signs like these by the doorway to remind parents to return the Red Bags on time.


Child Engagement

Resources for engaging children in the RAR-MA program and building excitement for reading.

Family Engagement

Strategies to communicate with families, introduce RAR-MA, and build routines for Red Bag rotation.