Go check it out at your local library or buy it here on Amazon Smile! (If you select Raising A Reader MA as your favorite charity, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to us.)
Here are 10 activities that you can do before, during, or after story time to extend your child’s learning!
- TALK | As the children in this story wait for the bus, they see various vehicles pass by. This is a great book to use to talk about the names of these vehicles, what they look like, and what they are used for.

- MAKE | We set up a board with some fun activities we found on Pinterest!
PLAY | Is your child old enough to understand “go” and “stop”? Try playing Red Light, Green Light. This classic game is fun for any age.
SING | The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round – full lyrics here. Try this song with hand motions and movements!

- COUNT | One particular activity from our Pinterest board is worth highlighting. Take a large piece of cardboard and draw parking spots. Number these spots and any toy vehicles your child may have at home. Now ask your child to park the vehicles in the corresponding spots!
WATCH | If the weather is nice enough, go outside and find a good spot to watch the traffic. Alternatively, you can do this behind windows of any place located near a busy street. Make it into a game and see how many different vehicles your child can identify!
RIDE | When was the last time you hopped on a bus? Spend the day wandering around Greater Boston on public transportation!
VISIT | If you don’t have a particular destination in mind, how about the Boston Children’s Museum? Make sure to take your child to the Construction Zone.

- EAT | Make apple & grape cars for snack time. It’s healthy and fun! Of course, make sure your child is old enough to not hurt him/herself with the toothpicks.
- READ | Lastly, if you would like some additional reading, check out this awesome list here. We also really like this book –> Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. Books by Mo Willems tend to be very interactive.