Book Recommendations

National Family Literacy Month Day #6: Fruits and Vegetables!

Today we want you to spark a family conversation about fruits and vegetables… and then go eat some too!

To participate in our Family Literacy Month Challenge, post a photo of your family reading or completing an activity related to reading and tag Raising A Reader MA using #readtome30!

For every day that you participate, your family will be entered into a raffle for your chance to win a basket full of books! Post  on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram to be entered in the raffle (one chance for each social media platform you post on)! That is a maximum of 90 chances (3 per day for 30 days) to win!

  1. Like, share, or comment on any of our #readtome30 posts OR
  2. Post a photo of a family literacy-related activity with the hashtag #readtome30 for one chance (Please note that on Facebook, you must make your post viewable by PUBLIC in order for us to see it!)
  3. Tag @RaisingAReaderMA (Facebook) or @RaisingAReaderM (Twitter)
  4. Get entered into our raffle with every post!

On this page are some books that we think are great for this theme! (These are merely suggestions. ANY book you read with your child is fine for this challenge!)

Go check out a book or a few at your local library or buy one on Amazon Smile! If you select Raising A Reader MA as your favorite charity, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to us.

Click on any picture of a book on this page to see it on Amazon Smile.

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